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Our Big Dumb Mouth

Aug 30, 2016

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Jimmey Kimmel vs Alex Jones / News propaganda and the Alt-Right / Lessie Jones Hack / BLM and the Tea Party / more on the Soros leak / Listener voicemail from Salvador / Is Trump a neo-con? / Who is worse, Trump or Hillary / our listeners are insane people / Man has sex with the road /...

Aug 25, 2016

joe and clownbaby join the show / Melvins people are still calling In / The Black Experience / Don't bore Mike with stuff / The Origins of the term Conspiracy Theory /Roger Stone Audio / YOU ARE A CONSPRIACY THEORIST / CIA Document 1035-960 / Hillary Health Problems / Hillary Health Conspiracy / Vince Foster /...

Aug 18, 2016

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Jepordy / Johnny Rotten on the media in 2012 / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / Goblin News Rant / OBDM Voice Mails / Melvin a caller is in big trouble / The Joe Show / BLM and George Soros / BLM and reparations / How long should reparations last /  George Soros and German occupation...

Aug 11, 2016

joe and clown join the show / no plans for the future / MIK COULD BE DRUNK / audio problems / Mike still ant read / big politicis / Mass shooter father at the clinton rally / snapchap / wikileaks / Softballs break / Monster of the week / Top Aleins tht walk the earth / headlines / End / Mike is far to drunk to write more

Aug 5, 2016

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Episode 500 / The Media vs Donald Trump / Unnamed Sources Say this and that / Drunk Mike Clips from the Past / Hillary Clinton wants to raise taxes on the middle class / HRC health could be a big issue / The Clintons are in bad health / Brazilian olympics are bad news / Mitchell calls...