Dec 29, 2018
Thank you everyone!
#### TOP FAKE NEWS 2018 ####
Blue light in the sky over NYC was ‘not aliens’:...
Dec 28, 2018
Mike and Joe on the show / Christmas Run Down / Kevin Spacey - Let Me Be Frank / Elite Conspiracy / Randy Quad Christmas Video / new Laurel Yanny / Grover Muppet Mispeak / Bob from Missouri calls aobut Shadow People / Strange Conspiracy Twitter Feed / Net Neutrality Update / Government UFO findings could be forthcoming...
Dec 22, 2018
Mike and Joe / Joe is in Cleveland OH / The Audio is a bit noisey at times / Trump pulls troops out of Syria / Mattis leaves Trump Admin / StrokeyBill calls in about Iraq and Syria and aliens / Canada vs China Spy War / Leon calls in about people not entertaining idea / CIA Remote Controlled Dogs
#### NEW ####
Dec 21, 2018
This is a jump in audio at about 20min
Because I lost the audio only mp3 for the fist 17min, so I had to
use the YouTube audio, it may seem over compressed but it evens out
after 20in. Who the hell cares but me, right?
Joe and Mike on the show / Jingle Bingle / Night Talk talk / PewDiePie vs The Wall Street Journal / Is...
Dec 15, 2018
#### NEWS ####
This 33-year-old just reached an incredible milestone in his
world-first mission. Here’s how he’s staying motivated
No foul play suspected in deaths of 2 in...