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Our Big Dumb Mouth

Dec 31, 2014

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Alex Jones Life Coach / Sony Hacking Update / Mike Watched the Interview / Sony is shit / Airasia plane crash conspiracy / China Whistelblower / Russia China money link / Clownbaby loves Pez / New idea Pez Dispenser / Lots of UFOs News / CIA UFOs /  Mexican Aliens Hikers / Mars Coffin...

Dec 24, 2014

An extreme drunk Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Mike and Clowbaby's new Grand Theft Audio series on youTube / The Banana Twins / Recap of last episode / New World Order Networking / Mike is a push over / North Korean Hacker and Sony / IT Happy Hour / Joe started drinking and playing GTA / Obama Christmas / Women...

Dec 19, 2014

Freddie Free, Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Mike did some Stand Up Comedy last week / Comedy from the Fringe at Ace of Cups in Columbus Ohio / Heckling the comic / Alex Jones Clips of week / Royal Family Molesters / The Conspiracy Net / Voter ID and the right to vote / The Sandy Hook Conspiracy Documentary / Gun...

Dec 4, 2014

Pual, Clownbaby and Joe and Patrick London join the show / Lots of sex talk coming up / Banned Sex Acts in Porn in the UK / Aggresive Whipping / Violent Objects In People / Water Sports and how to do it / Twincest / The Golden Voice guy from columbus / Alex Jones Clips of the week / Georgetown White Guilt / Mike talks...