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Our Big Dumb Mouth

May 30, 2014

Joe and Clownbaby join the show and we are drinking / Conspiracies in Movies / Godzilla Recap / Boston Bombing Ellen Video and Update / No More 9-11 Talk / Vampires in London / Clownbaby is going to a Furry Con / Furry Talk / Teenager Kills Parents over iPod / Elbow in Penis / Vidoe Ads on Stupid Stories / Shave the...

May 27, 2014

Clownbaby and Bryce join the show / We all saw Godzilla and have big issues with the movie / Godzilla started off good / So many plot holes / What does Godzilla Eat! / Bryce saw the new x-men movie / x-men better than Godzilla / Godzilla maybe better in iMax / WTF news / Pop rocks in vag / Obama walks the street / man...

May 23, 2014

Clownbaby, Joe and Paul Join the show / Rock on the Range Concert Experience / Paul is jewish / Mastodon Rocks / Bring the Merth / Corporate Rock / Back Stages Passes aren't what they used to be / Kicks are pussies / Cat Size vs Gayness / Check your privilege / Trigger Words / Alex Jones Clips of the week /...

May 20, 2014

Clownbaby AKA Gary Gunn and Bryce join the show / A bit of a wasted show / Games of Thrones / Fringe / Stupid Unrealistic Alien Talk / VH1 Aliens Updates / Fire in the Sky / The Godzilla Crap Problem / What Godzilla Eats / malaysia flight 370 update, crazy theories / Amazon's crazy photo patent / Pentagon Zombie Drill...

May 16, 2014

Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Michael Kick coming at you / Rage Quit / Bob Lazar and Area 51 / UFO Talk / The Lumping of Conspiracies / The Pope Love Martians / Open People's Eyes / oligarchy and olive garden / Donald Sterling / Nigerian Missing Girls / Boko Huron Needs Tweets / 1993 / Static / The Truth Movement...