Jan 7, 2016
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Mike has a new product / The Broc Lock / New Years Eve Sucks / Biker Gang / Clownbaby may get a job / BLM / Alex Jones Clips of the week / Oregon Standoff / Gun Debate, Sirius XM Clips / Mike goes deep into the oregon militia / The history of the Oregon land / Oregon conspiracy / Ron Paul on the BLM / Bill Clinton is up to no good / Inside Edition Clips / Joe's failed Obama Clips / Saudi Arabia Iran Conflict / Mike's a really great guy / Saudi Arabia is fucking everyone / German Immigrants on New Years / Cologne, Germany / Immigrantation failures / Too much too fast / Naptown / Headline / Condom Machine / Hillary Clinton and UFOs / German Sluts / North Korean H-Bomb / We ar really pretty drunk at this point / Fart Montage / Preachers Need Private Jets / End