Feb 20, 2018
You can watch NIGHT TALK LIVE on YouTube can call in. Normally I just post the audio only to Patreon.
But if the patreon people want the audio on the regular feed I will post it here. We're just feeling out how to provide different content for people.
Thanks for listening and supporting the show.
WGS17 Session: A Conversation with Elon Musk
Science News Technology Space NASA Artificial Intelligence Weird
Science Science of Sci-Fi
Alien Civilizations Could Destroy Humanity With AI Messages Without
Even Visiting Earth
John Titor - Time Travlers
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► OBDM is a Humorous News / Paranormal / Conspiracy Podcast
►Website: http://ourbigdumbmouth.com/
►Phone Line: 614-388-9109
►email: ourbigdumbmouth@gmail.com
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►Everything we do could be considered performance art