Dec 30, 2016
Clownbaby and Joe join the show / Christmas Drinking / Mike sucks at internet dating / The OBDM Quiz Show / Supreme Grandmaster of the Council of Quizzes, Strokey Bill / Joe saw Rogue One / Alex Jones in Star Wars / Modern Day Millennials / Unrealistic Expectations of the world / MTV hates whites guys / How young people...
Dec 21, 2016
Clownbaby and Joe join the show / We were hop;ing George Webb would join the show / We are live and Skype is shit / Rouge One Review / Mopre Skype Problems / russian ambassador assassination / Turkey Problems / Syria Issues / Mike went to a FaceBook Party / More Skype Problems / People are upset about us joiking...
Dec 15, 2016
Clownbaby and Joe join the show / We are not very smart / Mikes Birthday / Going to art college / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / Hacking the Election / Obama on the hack / What types of hacking are there / India Hacked the US in 2012 / India really doesnt like the Clintons / Too suspects / The Propaganda War /...
Dec 9, 2016
Clownbaby and Joe join the show / Steven Seagal Clips / Earthquakes on Ring of Fire / Rodie calls in about Chernobyl and Fukushima / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / Alex Jones on PizzaGate / Mainstream Fake news and Pizza / PizzaGate Update / Ping Pong Shooter / YouTubesr being stroke down due to #PizzaGate /...
Dec 1, 2016
Clownbaby and Joe join the show / adam carolla ad filled podcast / OBDM patreon / PizzaGate Upate / Sick stuff the elite do / Adam Curry is not talking about pizzaGate / The Washington as PizzaGate is FakeNews / James Corbett and FakeNews / Media War / OSU Knife Attacker / Break / Entertainment talk / HBO / Star Trek...