Dec 31, 2015
Joe and Clownbaby join the show / Clowbaby has an ER Christmas Visit / Alcohol is taking it's toll / Joe had a good Christmas / Clownbaby is stopping the drinking for a while / Cancer Cures / CBS Cell Phone Story / Seymour Hersh / Military to Military / The Dangers of Cell Phones / UFO Disclosure / Clownbaby UFO Stories...
Dec 22, 2015
Joe AKA Blowhard joins the show / Go Daddy Issues / Listening Online / Joe tried to see Star Wars / Mike saw The Force Awakens / Mike had problems with the Star Wars movie experience / Joe and Mike talk about the movie / The Star Wars Prequels / Mike and Joe talk about video games / Star Wars Battlefront / Fallout 4 /...
Dec 17, 2015
Bryce and Clownbaby join the show / Planned Parent Killer / Alex Jones clips of the Week / Mike turned 38 and played some Battle Axe shows / Clownbaby saw the Trailer Park Boys / Pricey Live Shows / Blowhard calls in / Joe's poor sick dog / Shit stories / Joe's dog story / Killer Cops / Paradise City / Joe hates NPR /...
Dec 10, 2015
Bryce and Clownbaby join the show / The Heroes Welcomes / Leather Boys / Alex Jones Clips of the Week / The Knick TV Show / 70's Porn / Blowhard sent in some news / San Bernardino shooting / 3 Shooters not 2 / Failed FBI Operation in San Bernardino / Pirate Bay isn't working / 28k peer to peer loan / Trump is not the...
Dec 2, 2015
Bryce and Clownbaby join / Mike talks about the direction of the show / JonJey comments / Listener Comments and Emails / Green Skin / Ryan Dawson Comments / How do you introduce people to conspiracy theories / Project PaperClip / World Trade 93 / We go deep into the Missing 411 Topic once again, abductions in National...